Faculty Members Listed by Last Name in Alphabetical Order (Search Accordingly)
This listing fulfills the requirements of University of Hawai‘i Executive Policy 9.214, to publicly post the curriculum vitae for each faculty from a single point on the campus website. For a full listing of Leeward CC employees, visit the UH Faculty/Staff Directory and search by “Leeward” campus.
Lilian Rebamonte-Smith
Teacher Education ProgramCampus Committee Membership
Social Justice League, Service Committee
Other Responsibilities and Activities
ACCJC Re-Accreditation
Subjects Taught
ED 284 Foundations of Inclusion in Teaching, ED 297S SPED Internship, ED 330 SPED Law & IEP Development, ED 331 SPED Assessment, ED 393S Field Practicum II
Categories: Uncategorized