Leeward CC Leadership
Meet Our Admin Team

Carlos Peñaloza
AD 102
(808) 455-0215
Chancellor Webpage

Keala Chock
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Chief Academic Officer
AD 108
(808) 455-0453
Academic Affairs Webpage

Kelli Brandvold
Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services
AD 111
(808) 455-0213
Administrative Services Webpage

Michelle Igarashi
Dean of Arts and Sciences
AD 101B
(808) 455-0664
Office of the Dean of A and S Webpage

Ron Umehira
Dean of Career and Technical Education
AD 101A
(808) 455-0228
Office of the Dean of CTE Webpage

Kami Kato
Dean of Student Services
AD 224 (during renovations DH-A 105)
(808) 455-0260
Dean of Student Services Webpage